Monday 15 March 2010

double page spread completed

To get to this stage the page has undergone some serious photoshopping. Here is a photo of the original image prior to any work.

The first problem with this image was there was interference in the background. I therefore needed to crop the image in order to create a completely plain backgroud to make the image look professional and clean.
I then zoomed in to the picture, cropping it again to create a square shaped image. After this I then adjusted the contrast and brightness to make the photo appear crisp and clean. Her face was fairly clear in this picture so there was no need to use the spot healing tool. However, I encountered a new hurdle to overcome. I really wanted to use this image for my double page spread using this one single photo across the two pages to then text wrap, however this image was portait and to achieve this I needed a landscape picture. I initally tried to use the clone tool in order to create more wall however this did not work very well as there was not enough wall in the picture to copy from. So in the end, to solve this problem I copied part of the wall using the rectantular marquee tool, which I then pasted into photoshop and stretched it using the free transform tool. This then created a much larger image of the wall

These two layers were then merged making the image appear as if the wall was always there. This was also enhanced by the use of colour balance.

Not only did this add continuity to the magazine by using the colour scheme used in the contents and front page (making them all link together creating a house theme) it also hid the line where you could slightly see where the two layers had been merged. The image was then ready to put the text on. The colour scheme and fonts were also influenced by the contents and front page.

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